The I-Man plugs "West"

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    Love him or hate him, Don Imus (“Imus in the Morning”) has a pretty influential, nationally syndicated morning radio show. He’s given many an author and musician a boost over the years. Lately, he’s been talking up Lu and playing snippets from “West.” This morning he mentioned that “Are You Alright?” was played on a recent Fox tv show (House?).

    Here’s a fairly accurate paraphrase of what he also said this morning…

    ‘I love her to death, though I haven’t met her…She’s the antithesis of Allison Krauss (who performed live on Imus the other day)…Lucinda is the kind of woman that would drive 900 miles in a diaper to kill her ex-boyfriend, put him in a woodchipper, and finish off the rest of him for breakfast.’

    Typical Imus…sarcastic, wiseguy, fill-in-the-blanks. But, he likes her.

    The bottomline is: if Imus is promoting Lu and her new album, keep an eye on “West” sales at He ought to get her on his show to perform live – – is she a morning person? 🙂


    Lol at the “Lucinda-in-a-diaper” thing… 😆 I’ve often wondered why Imus hadn’t picked up on her stuff before now, because he seems to have pretty astute taste in music. He loves the Flatlanders and other musicians that seem to be somewhat similar to her. Better late than never, though.


    No one’s listened to Imus in like 20 years.


    no one except lefty.
    oh, and myself, when i’m in my car in the morning and not doing the commuter thing.

    but no one’s listened to imus in 20 years.

    so sayeth ripley, so it must be so.

    All I Ask

    Ripley knows nothing.


    Yeah Imus is in like 20th place in the NYC market. 🙄


    I also listen to Imus on the way to work, but that’s about it.

    And Ripley, no offense, but your telemarketing offer…

    Isn’t there more honor in flipping burgers?


    @Stan wrote:

    I also listen to Imus on the way to work, but that’s about it.

    And Ripley, no offense, but your telemarketing offer…

    Isn’t there more honor in flipping burgers?

    umm it’s a joke you tard. go watch Transamerica.

    Oh and in case any of you Imus listeners didn’t know. He’s a racist jerk.


    Unfortunately. He slipped entiirely off my radar with those comments. 🙄 Who gives a damn that he has good taste in music if he’s a racist SOB?


    @rachel8375 wrote:

    Unfortunately. He slipped entiirely off my radar with those comments. 🙄 Who gives a damn that he has good taste in music if he’s a racist SOB?

    I really hope you aren’t being sarcastic.

    You shouldn’t excuse his behaviour because he has good taste in music. According to his former coworker, Robin Quivers, she saw him call an African American the N word in the halls of WNBC and he ordered the woman not to make eye contact with him.

    The man is dispicable and deserves everything he has coming to him. His plugging of West is more of an insult to Lu than anything. I doubt she wants racist has beens as fans.



    No, in fact I’m not being sarcastic. There’s unfortunately not an emoticon that fit what I was thinking at the time. (Where’s the smiley jamming a pitchfork in someone when you need it??) I absolutely agree the man is despicable, and the 2 week suspension he got was laughable. People in lesser positions would have lost their jobs entirely. I also agree that LW would be appalled to have someone with his views promoting her music. If she’s heard about it, I hope she does what Alejandro Escovedo did when he found out Prez Bush had one of his songs on his iPod-he found some way to get in contact with the White House and told the President to take his song off the iPod. I hope either she or someone in her management company does the same thing with Imus.


    P.S: And as far as the last sentence of my post that you took exception to, there are people out there who would say, “Well, So-and-So can’t be all bad, ’cause he’s got great taste in music.” That was what I was meaning-no sarcasm meant at all. I suppose I worded my post poorly.


    well good I’m glad we agree!

    He’s fucking ancient and his ratings are piss poor. Im suprised they didn’t just cancel him.


    I wonder if they would have if certain groups hadn’t called for the show to be cancelled. Neither CBS or MSNBC wants to look like they’re giving into public pressure from outside groups. Didn’t the Rev. Al Sharpton say he ought to be cancelled? Just that alone would have had the Right saying that the stations were doing it to assuage the feelings of African Americans, never mind that Imus said something derogatory about both African Americans by calling them what he did, and also about the players as women by calling them the other thing. Sorry-I don’t say stuff like that.


    I wonder why any of Imus listeners on this board haven’t come to his defense? 🙄

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