Dreamy Duets

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  • #28760

    I liked Luc and Elvis Costello. But I can think of much dreamier matches. I’d love to hear Aaron Neville and Lucinda, Aaron singing sweet and Luc sort of raspy..

    Neil Young and Lucinda… maybe singing about Blue…

    Lu and John Hiatt would be a match made in heaven, two musicians to the core, literate song writers who make their music from their heart and life’s experiences.

    I’d like to know if there are any recorded duets out there I should be able to find…. and other dream matches the rest of you are thinking of… and esp. any where she might sing along with a zydeco band..

    All I Ask

    lucfan4ever you should post this under the more heavily used topics. I don’t think many people look at this topic. Its a nice idea, though. I’d like to hear her sing live with Jim Lauderdale.


    Her and I would be perfect…
    I can dream can’t I ?

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